Vote Tuesday
February 25th

Early voting has already begun.

Council Member John Kelly Voted:

John Kelly was the only candidate for mayor who voted not to let property taxes substantially increase next year by keeping the tax levy the same as last year. Modest homeowners cannot afford another property tax increase when Peoria already has the highest property taxes in the nation.
John Kelly has compassion for the financial struggles of homeowners and renters whose rent would go up if the owners have to pay higher property taxes.

At a time when Peoria is wrestling with the homeless problem, higher and higher taxes risk more people losing their homes.
Are you kidding? — City Councilman Mike Vespa who voted with Rita Ali to let property taxes rise next year actually said at a Council meeting that taxpayers can get a home equity loan to pay their property taxes if they don’t have the extra cash to pay their higher taxes!

Tax grabs by politicians are NOT compassionate.
• John Kelly was the only council member to vote NO on Peoria to Chicago rail which was called a “pipe dream” four years ago by a former Transportation Secretary.

Peoria to Chicago rail will be an endless money pit for Peoria taxpayers. Ridership is unlikely to ever come close to operating costs, and building costs for the city will be enormous even if some state and federal funds are found.

With a huge debt burden, the highest property taxes in the nation, high gas and sales taxes and a rainwater runoff tax, Peoria simply cannot afford to get into the railroad business.

• John Kelly and Denis Cyr were the only Council members who voted against city taxpayers buying the PNC Bank building. After wasting nearly $60 million on the Pere Marquette deal, it is clear that no government should be in any sort of business. City Hall does not have the expertise to manage commercial real estate development—or any business. The city should not pick and choose private sector winners and losers of the city taxpayer’s largess.

• Rita Ali voted to allow homeless encampments that only perpetuate homelessness and are a blight upon the city. Her permissive policies also attract more homeless people from other cities.

Rita Ali and Chuck Grayeb: No compassion for taxpayers, working people, families, and seniors on fixed incomes trying to stay in their homes.

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Paid for by Friends of John Kelly
Friends of John Kelly
445 W Woodridge Lane
Peoria, IL 61614